Visit V : Vniverse "The Death and Re-distribution of V" in #WomenTechLit, 2017 Review of V : Vniverse by Michael Leong Review of V : Vniverse and V : WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una by Chris Funkhouser Review of V : Vniverse and V : WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una by Edward Falco Review of ELC/2 by John Zuern Making the Vniverse essay by Strickland and Lawson Jaramillo Interview with Strickland about V and True North trAce article about Strickland A chapter on V: WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una and V: Vniverse appears, in Catalan, in Lectures de PoesÃa Digital by Oreto Doménech i Masià, 2014
V exists in print and on the Web as one work. In print, it is an invertible book with two beginnings (V : WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una, Penguin 2002); online, it has two additional parts: V : Vniverse (with Cynthia Lawson Jaramillo) and Errand Upon Which We Came (with M.D. Coverley).
V : Vniverse appears in the Electronic Literature Collection 2, 2011, edited by Laura Borràs, Talan Memmott, Rita Raley, and Brian Kim Stefans.
Showcase Women Digital Textualities
The original Shockwave version is no longer available.