Each bell in Liberty Ring!, an interactive companion to Ringing the Changes, has its own set of 11 texts with which to explore Liberty, sourced from The Framers, Frederick Douglass, Herman Melville, and Sojourner Truth among others.
One hears heavy tower bells sound in a temporal order, whereas in Liberty Ring! one sees, change after change, the texts materialize in the correct permutational order. In both works, seven threads of thought weave new contexts for each other, in a ring, or in a line, in conversation.
Selected for the Electronic Literature Collection/4, 2022.
Featured in the ACM-ELO 2020 Climates of Change Media Arts Exhibition.
Featured at the 2020 Bridges MathArt Conference (peer-reviewed paper and video).
Discussed by Marian Christie in "Mathematical forms in poetry 4 — Permutations."
Included in Conceptualisms: The Anthology of Prose, Poetry, Visual, Found, E-, and Hybrid Writing as Contemporary Art.
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